COVID-19 Measurements
Dear patients,
Please know that your health remains our priority, especially in this period of pandemic related to COVID-19.
In order to ensure your complete safety during your visit to our clinic, we have put in place various additional preventive measures in collaboration with the Ordre des Dentistes du Québec, the Association des Chirurgiens Dentistes du Québec as well as Dr. Jean Barbeau, microbiologist and professor at the University of Montreal.
As soon as your appointment is made, your health status will be evaluated to detect any signs or symptoms related to Covid-19. In case of doubt, you will be directed where it should be. During the interview, we will also explain the procedures to follow during your visit to the clinic.
We ask you to arrive on time for your appointment in order to limit the number of people in the waiting room. You will have to wait for your appointment outside the clinic. We limit the number of accompanying persons to one person when necessary.
Stations are in place for hand cleaning, dropping off personal belongings, and taking temperatures as needed.
Wearing a mask is mandatory at all times.
The washrooms are temporarily out of use, as well as the children’s corner.
The rooms are equipped with air filters, doors or curtains and intraoral X-ray equipment to limit traffic.
In the operating room, different procedures are used during treatments, including oral disinfection and the wearing of N95 masks or equivalent, surgical gowns and hats, and surgical visors.
We encourage payment by credit card.
Members of our team are also evaluated and trained to treat you safely.
**Please note that we are constantly adapting to the situation. Some measures may differ slightly during your visit according to recent guidelines received from Public Health and/or our Professional Order.
Please be assured of the seriousness of our protocol approach. Your health and well-being are our priority at all times.